Monday 28 January 2013

Sherlock Holmes Sketch

It's been a while since my last post. I did make one drawing after we got back from our trip to Kerala but the truth is that I kind of lost my mood. I did a few rough ones, failed ones of course. I posted them on my instagram. Anyway yesterday was the end of weekend and I thought I should do at least one because it was a long break. A friend gave me the Sherlock Holmes show season one, and I watched them yesterday and I really loved it. I guess it brought back the mood. I did this after I finished all the 3 episodes after 12:00 AM. It took me approximately 2 hours.

 A4 paper, 2B, 4B graphite pencils

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Sad Woman Crying Sketch

It's been a day since we got back from our trip but I am still tired. However since I have today afternoon off I thought I'd draw one. I'd be wasting the time anyway if I didn't. And yet again, a sad picture. I chose to do it using my charcoal pencils because I haven't touched them in a while and I still need to learn a lot to use them. This makes my 7th charcoal drawing.

I did it on a very rough drawing paper. I suppose that's why it can't be smooth. The pencils are hard, medium and soft but I just mixed them up. I don't really know how they work at the moment.

Thursday 17 January 2013

Sad orphan girl sketch

We are leaving for our trip later tonight and we got the afternoon off. I had done most of the packings and cleaning stuff for the trip and was updating my mobile's music playlist. I came across a sad orphan girl's picture, so sad and emotional and it moved me to draw this. In fact I had already posted on Instagram and Facebook last night that I won't be drawing again until next weekend, but I am a big sucker, I had to. It's not very great but my main concern was the expression on her face. 

 Drawing paper, kinda rough, 2B, 4B graphite Apsara pencils :)

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Elijah Wood as Frodo Baggins from LOTR sketch

If you saw the last sentence on my previous post, I said that the next drawing might be inspired by Lord of The Rings, an epic film[I don't know what to call it.] There are 3 parts, and I suppose I am the last person that is yet to see the other two parts. I enjoyed it very much but haven't gone for the other parts because they are too long unless you have enough free time.

Anyway, here is Frodo Baggins[Elijah Wood], a hobbit and so far, the leading character I suppose!
He has a very complicated face, and surprisingly there are not many high resolution photos of him on the web. There is one, a poster for which there has been many drawings. So my reference is not from the web, but from the film. Not very great, but I am very happy with the drawing.

The hair was  a tough one, but fortunately it is not a smart-messy hair so it could be messed up.
A4 paper, 2B, 4B graphite.

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Beautiful girl sketch

Last night I had new songs on my playlist while drawing this, so I was kind of distracted while drawing trying to tell whether I like the songs or not. I usually listen to songs that I love and would sing along while sketching, that speeds up the work. And later after I was done, I saw Lord of the rings, just to preview, but I got caught up with it and I totally forgot to blog it. When I finished the film it was almost 4. So here

My next drawing maybe inspired by Lord of the Rings!

Monday 14 January 2013

Happy Boy Sketch, done for practising the Hair

I have trouble doing hair, specially those light ones with light falling on them, the reflective ones, or blondes in general and or course, curly ones. I have already done Happy Boy earlier, but this was a good choice for practising the hair. I need lots of practice I see.
A4 paper, HB,2B,4B graphite.

Sunday 13 January 2013

My nephew Muanzuäla sketch

Here is my cute little nephew! His name is Muanzuäla. The photo is about 2 years old, so he has grown up a lot after that. I did this last night, and maybe because of the insect bite I got just below my right eye,  my eyes did hurt a lot. Done on A4 paper using HB, 2B, 4B graphite.

Drawing babies/kids isn't easy!

Saturday 12 January 2013

Girl Sketch

I am not very much in the mood to draw tonight. I tried drawing a friend but gave up. Possible reasons:
  • Wrong mood
  • Fear of turning it out bad
  • The fact that I am very free because we have next week off. Sometimes the mood builds up when you draw when there are lots of other stuff to do, like studies.
So I did this instead. It came out quite nice, I am happy about it. Done it using graphite pencils HB and 4B on A4 sheet.

If you are wondering  why my drawings are brown and noisy, I do a little processing on Picasa before I post them. Things I do to my drawings on Picasa:
  • crop
  • add some shadow [to darken it a little]
  • desaturate
  • warmify
  • and add film grain.
[update] Please see the About page for a more detailed explanation.

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Baby holding hand and Justin Bieber sketch

Here is my other charcoal drawing. A baby sleeping while holding his mum's/dad's hand. So this makes my 6th charcoal drawing.

And here is a quick sketch [20 minutes] of Justin Bieber. I don't know if that's quick but it if for me.

Monday 7 January 2013

Mizo Girl in Traditional Attire Sketch

I wanted to do something traditional, something touching and came up with this idea. The drawing is a combination of three different pictures. The girl is someone else, then I drew the Diár [headgear] on her. Since her posture is quite different, i couldn't find reference for her kawrchei [traditional shirt with patterns], I just scribbled up. I will do a remake of this, not necessarily the same picture though.

Girl Crying Sketch

I am starting to like the rough paper since I am learning to draw using charcoal pencils. It works better on rougher papers. Anyway, I was looking for something to draw, one suitable for using charcoal [as a beginner I believe some are well more suitable than others]. So here we go, a very sad girl crying.

Update: The date, apparently is wrong again. It' s 2013-01-06

Sunday 6 January 2013

Scarlett Johansson and a boy

I like sketching unknown people because people can't judge. This was one of them, but I suppose it was too obvious because of the peculiar pose. Otherwise there isn't much resemblance. Anyway, I did this on the roughest paper I have, that I had left for quite sometime because I didn't like it. This took me less than an hour to draw, but that's because the paper is too rough, you can't do details much...

A quick one I did before sleeping... Facial expression.

Saturday 5 January 2013

Charcoal drawings!

It's been a few days since my last post. I was actually working on a portrait which is suppose to be a surprise gift for a friend's friend's dad for his birthday, so unfortunately I couldn't reveal that until the day comes. I have finished it though. Anyway, as the title says, today's drawings are done using charcoal pencils. I have always fancied the drawings done with charcoal, so I got charcoal pencils for myself, but unexpectedly they are rather hard to use. So I left them for a few days, and today being Friday I thought I'd try using them. I looked up some videos on YouTube but I should say they are not much help as they are done by professionals. Anyway, I got some ideas. The blending stump, which is also something new to me was so much help though.

Anyway, here is my first ever Charcoal Pencil Drawing: (ignore the date, I wrote 2010!!)

And the second one:

So I learnt that it's not quite suitable for drawing smaller pictures when you wanna give some details, it goes crazy and dusty. But It would definitely be great for large drawings. My next charcoal drawings will be LARGE. :)

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Asian guy sketch!

I actually did this last night right after the Sad Guy, but it got too late to blog it up. Anyway I thought It would make up for today's blog.

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Sad guy!

I know it's weird I chose 'Sad Guy' today on the first day of the year! But I am sad today, don't know why! It doesn't matter but something was on my mind. Maybe it was the film I saw today, Cloud Atlas, I don't know. But one reason definitely is the song Turning Tables by Adele! I've been listening to the song since yesterday. I played the song in repeat mode, loudly while I was drawing this and it bloody helped a lot.